Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ever thought about the real world?... And I mean, REALLY thought about it? Well, I have and if my opinion is valuable, I think it's boring and a bit too monotonous. Get up, get cleaned up, go to work, get married, have kids and die! How boring.

But not to worry though. There are brilliant minds among us who've created such an amazing world in their minds. The best part is that they've been so generous as to share their spectacular creation with the rest of the world. Their world is that of fantasy and they have written books about it.

Allow me to name a few of these brilliant minds... J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien and Terry Goodkind who've written Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and Sword of Truth respectively. These authors have created magical worlds and have captivated millions of readers worldwide. Their work has also been transformed into motion pictures. Well I am sure you have all heard about the first two but you haven't really had a chance to experience the work of Terry Goodkind so allow me to introduce this gentleman and his work to you.

Terry Goodkind is the author of the Sword of Truth books. It is a series of twelve (12) epic fantasy novels following the life of a simple woods guide, Richard Cypher (Rahl) who later becomes the hero that fights all evil and tyranny. He grew up in a world without magic- Westland (separated by a magical boundary from a world with magic- The Midlands) under the nose of a wise old man , Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, whom he doesn't initially know is a wizard. A beautiful woman, Kahlan Amnell, who is the Mother Confessor and the voice of all lands in the Midlands, crosses the boundary to get help from the wizard to fight the evil that is spreading across the Midlands.

In order for the wizard to help the Mother Confessor, he has to name a Seeker who is a hero that fights evil. Zedd names Richard the seeker and gives him a magical sword - the Sword of Truth which bestows upon him the power to fight evil. The evil he has to fight is that of a wizard named Darken Rahl, the ruler of D'Hara. Darken Rahl has the intention to use the most powerful form of magic contained in three magical boxes - The Boxes of Orden. With these boxes he will be able to bend every living thing to do his bidding. It is therefore up to Richard as the Seeker to stop Darken Rahl from enslaving the world.

The Sword of Truth Books appear in the following titles:
  • Wizard's First Rule
  • Stone of Tears
  • Blood of the Fold
  • Temple of the Winds
  • Soul of the Fire
  • Faith of the Fallen
  • The Pillars of Creation
  • Naked Empire
  • Chainfire
  • Phantom
  • Confessor
  • The Omen Machine
The books are available from Amazon and are available in sets.

There is no doubt that his work has been revered by many such that it has been made into a TV series known as Legend of the Seeker.

It is however unfortunate that it has been cancelled after only two (2) seasons. The outraged fandom of Legend of the Seeker has mobilized efforts to help save their beloved TV series.

If you haven't watched this epic fantasy tale... I suggest you catch the trailer here

If you have already watched it and are disappointed about its cancellation, visit the Save Our Seeker site for information on how you can get involved in getting a third season for the show. After all, the world is insanely boring and we need a bit fantasy.